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Story about how 9 volt and Natalie went to starlight city

outfit for natalie

from flipline shorts how to be rich


(foodini knocks on door)

9 volt: can we help you?

foodini: congratulations, you both won free trips to starlight city from us!

natalie: (screams happy) we’d get to go to starlight city!

9 volt: we won! Natalie, it’s time to go, Change your outfit

(at starlight city)

natalie: I look so snazzy

9 volt: ah good, There’s wingeria

(At the wingeria)

chuck: welcome to wingeria, May I take your order?

natalie: I need a talk about the television series based on a restaurant

chuck: why?

natalie: because it started in May 21st 2013 after the game released in June 13th 2012

mandi: in 2013?

natalie: yes, it also has a theme song, flipline was intended to add the two of you on vocals

mandi: you mean, us on vocals?

natalie: yes, with backing dancers

chuck: yes, and does it start off with welcome to papa’s wingeria?

natalie: um, yes (sees a group of students) I can see they are coming to your wingeria

chuck: they are indeed

natalie: what are you guys gonna do?

Mandi: just, sing the theme song

natalie: yes! Go on!

chuck: a one, a two, and a one two three!

Chuck and mandi: welcome to papa's wingeria

The game in starlight city 

This is where we work at 

Papa's wingeria

Chuck: come and work with chuck of course (Natalie: oh yeah!) 

Mandi: and mandi solary (Natalie: Woo!) 

Chuck and mandi: we work at starlight city 

We start so we shall begin 

In papa's wingeria 

Chuck: mandi's so real

Mandi: and Chuck is so cool (Natalie: yes!)

Chuck and mandi: and the wings will fry it right 

Papa's wingeria 

Chuck: meet skylar

The lady like woman

Boomer flies like a daredevil

Mandi: professor fitz learns the science 

xolo is the twin of xandra

Scooter rocks, her skateboard rocks

Chuck and mandi: everyone in starlight city's here, why not have fun? Come win the jackpot

natalie: ok guys now really let er rip!

chuck and Mandi: we're at papa's wingeria 

we sauce it, and give dips to them (Natalie: yes sir!) 

we work

And we serve

in papa's, wingeria, in starlight, city

starlight city, we work at with


Chuck and Mandi: Papa's wingeria! (Laugh)
