My scratchpad Wiki
This page is an image gallery for Learning Segments. Please add to the contents of this page, but only images that pertain to the article.

Dot to Dot[]

Guess the Engine[]

Which Whistle Suits Thomas[]


Steamies and Diesels Sounds[]

Being Blue[]

How Does Emily Get to the Station?[]

Percy Pulls Out of the Station[]

Toby is Surprised to see...[]

Surprise Destination[]

Thomas Trundles Out of the Station[]

Thomas and the Mast[]

Being on Time[]

Thomas and Percy Play Hide and Seek[]

Truck Trouble[]

Which Way Should Thomas and Emily Go?[]


Sharing Trucks[]

The Children Wait For Gordon[]

What Thomas Needs to do in the Winter[]

Helping One Another[]

What Makes Percy Feel Better?[]

Henry Huffs Out of the Station[]

Getting There[]

Edward Helps Emily Up Gordon's Hill[]

Painting James[]

How Does Thomas Get to the Timber Yards?[]

Diesel Engines and Steam Engines are Different[]

Banana Tricks[]

Which Engine for Which Job?[]

Which Way Should Thomas Go?[]

Thomas Looks for Mavis[]

Which Diesel Engine with Which Steam Engine?[]

Which Things are the Same?[]

Who's Under the Coal Dust?[]

Same Colour[]

Thomas and the Shape Bridge[]

Getting to the Washdown[]

Emily Respects[]

Which Load for Which Party?[]

Which Load to Which Station?[]

What Route Should Thomas Take?[]

Changing Sounds[]

What's New at the Station?[]

Getting to Bluff's Cove[]

Seeing in the Dark[]

Percy in the Dark[]

What is Thomas Thinking Of?[]

Which Load for Which Route?[]

What Makes Thomas Happy?[]

Which Engine for Which Job?[]

Job Destinations[]

Where Can Neville Find Salty?[]

Knowing What to do?[]

Fixing the Engines[]

Being Kind[]

What Can Cool Thomas Down?[]

Cool Down Delivery[]

Getting Up Gordon's Hill[]

What does Toby see?[]

What Goes Where?[]

Who Respects Whom?[]

Where is Henry's Coal?[]

How Does Thomas Feel?[]

How are Thomas and Percy Different?[]

Who Can Take Them?[]

What's Found Where?[]

New Parts for James[]

Who Will Percy See?[]

Help From Your Friends[]

Who Should Take the Telegraph Pole?[]

Which Outfit for Which Occasion?[]

Toby's New Shed[]

Percy's Story[]

Mavis as a Steam Engine[]

Which Friends is in Which Shed?[]

Which Track for Henry?[]

Old Route New Route[]

Over the Bridge[]

Right Sized Engine for the Job[]

Emily Huffs Out of the Station[]

Which Engine Should go to Which Building?[]

Toby's Favourite Place[]

Emily's Favourite Place[]

Diesels and Steamers[]

What is Henry Thinking Of?[]

What Did Harold See?[]

Which Load for Rosie?[]


Clever Percy[]

Up and Down the Hill[]

Percy's Treasure[]

Where Is Salty's Favourite Place to Work?[]

Happy or Sad?[]

Being Repainted[]

Pulling Coaches[]

Who's Going Where[]

Spot the Difference[]

Tough Trucks[]

Thomas' Puzzle Parts[]

